Seasonal Food Guide
  • 4.2

Seasonal Food Guide

  • Latest Version
  • Grace Communications Foundation, Inc.

Find what produce is in season in your state at any time of year!

About this app

With info on 140+ fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and herbs, the Seasonal Food Guide is the most comprehensive digital almanac of seasonal local food available.

●tComprehensive data on more than 140 types of fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and herbs.
●tSearch what’s in season at any time of year in each of the 50 states.
●tFind out when your favorite produce is at peak freshness and tastes the best.
●tEasily set shopping reminders so you’ll never forget to pick up your favorite seasonal foods at your next trip to the market.
●tNever miss a seasonal food again! You can seamlessly set reminders for when your favorite foods are in season.
●tIncludes links to incredible recipes, fun facts and information about the environmental impact of growing each type of produce.
●tData sources: the Natural Resources Defense Council, USDA, state agriculture extension offices and state departments of agriculture.
●tSeasonality data accurate to half-month increments.
●tA free, food literacy resource developed by a nonprofit.

What is seasonal food?
Seasonal food is produce that is purchased and consumed around the time that it is harvested.

Why is it important to eat food that’s in season?
Studies indicate that seasonal food can be fresher, tastier and more nutritious than food consumed out of season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables produced on local farms are often fresher, as they do not require long distances for transport. Also, unlike out of season produce which is harvested early in order to be shipped and distributed to your local retail store, crops picked at their peak ripeness are full of flavor. Studies also show that fruits and vegetables may contain more nutrients when allowed to ripen naturally on their parent plant.

Why is eating local food important?
●tPurchasing local food benefits the environment and helps support local farms in your community. A recent USDA study also found that direct-to-consumer producers were less likely to apply pesticides and herbicides to control weeds and insects than conventional producers (with the exception of chemicals to control insects and weeds in fruit, nut and berry crops).
●tBy purchasing local food, you’re supporting your community! The money you spend on products from local farmers and growers stays in the community and is reinvested with other local businesses, which generates jobs and subsequently stimulates local economies.
●tLocal growers can tell you how your food was grown. When you buy directly from farmers, you have the opportunity to ask what practices they use to raise and harvest the crops, enhancing consumer transparency around the steps it takes to get our food from farm to table.

Developer Information:
The Seasonal Food Guide is a project of GRACE Communications Foundation, a nonprofit organization that develops innovative strategies to increase public awareness of the critical environmental and public health issues created by our current industrial food system, and to advocate for more sustainable alternatives.

If you have any questions about the Seasonal Food Guide or would like to make a suggestion, please contact [email protected].

Versions Seasonal Food Guide