
Aug 21, 2024

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GGD Amsterdam

Trustworthy PrEP information from GGD Amsterdam

دانلود APK - آخرین نسخه

توضیحات مفصل

Do you take PrEP? More importantly, do you ever forget to take PrEP? If the answer to either question is yes, then this app is for you! PrEP is a medicine for people with a higher risk of contracting HIV. If you think you need PrEP, you can obtain it through your GP or GGD Amsterdam. People eligible for PrEP are generally men who have sex with men, transgender people and other people who have unprotected sex with someone whose HIV status is unknown.

You can use the PrEP app for everything related to your PrEP use. For example, it provides information on the effects and side effects of PrEP and you can look up where to get PrEP. You can track your sexual activities and PrEP intake, and the app will give you a handy notification when it is time to take your next dose. You can also use the app to maintain a clear overview of how much PrEP you have left. Never forget again; use the PrEP app for everything related to PrEP. All information in the app is based on the reliable information provided by GGD Amsterdam.

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