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Enjoy with Al-Mawdood's masterpiece the provisions of the newborn to Ibn Al-Qayyim with the best application for books and without the net

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Tuhfat al-Mawdud with the rulings of the newborn by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

For Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Ayyub bin Saad Al-Zar’i Al-Dimashqi, Shams Al-Din, Abu Abdullah, known as Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah

Enjoy reading the book Tuhfat Al-Mawdoud with the provisions of the newborn by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah with the best application for books and without the Internet and many other advantages

Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said in the introduction: “This is a book in which we intended to mention the rulings of the newborn that relate to him after his birth as long as he is young, from his ‘aqeeqah and its rulings, shaving his head, naming him, circumcision, urinating, piercing his ear, the rulings of his upbringing and his stages from when he was a sperm to his stable in heaven or hell. Its meaning includes benefits that are hardly found in any other than the wonderful jokes of interpretation, hadiths that need to be known and their reasons, and the combination of their various and jurisprudential issues that the student can hardly get to grips with, and judgmental benefits that are much needed to know. Its content is everyone who has given him something from his children and from God he derives payment and I ask him for success in the paths of guidance that he is generous, and I called him Tuhfat al-Mawdud with the rulings of the newborn.”

The reason for Ibn al-Qayyim's writing this book was that his son Burhan al-Din had given birth to a son, and Ibn al-Qayyim had at that time nothing to offer his son from worldly goods, so he compiled this book and gave it to him.

Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Ayyub bin Saad Al-Zar’i Al-Dimashqi, Shams Al-Din, Abu Abdullah, known as Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah. Of the flags of Islamic religious reform in the eighth century AH. He was born in Damascus to Kurdish parents and studied under Ibn Taymiyyah al-Dimashqi, who is also from Kurdish parents and was influenced by him. His profession was the Imamat Baljouzia. Teaching in the vest and other places. Addressing the fatwa and authorship. His contact with Ibn Taymiyyah The word of the historians agreed that the date of the meeting was since the year 712 AH, the year in which he returned from his trips to Damascus and settled there until he died in Damascus in the year 751 AH.

❇️ Some reviews of the book Tuhfat al-Mawdud with the rulings of the newborn by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya ❇️

▪️Reviews source: www.goodreads.com/book/show/6720163▪️

- The book is beautiful and strong, and it helped me a lot in terms of rulings related to the newborn.. and light and important information in raising it healthily and morally.. Also, some important medical information
Asma Al Khatib

- A great book, suitable for a married couple who is about to have children and start a family.. It has a great, sweet conclusion that shakes the soul and reminds it of the purpose of its existence, and where to end it.
Sarah Montaser

- The book is excellent for understanding the Sunnah of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the duties of religion with regard to births and offspring in general, and to know what people have added to it and what they have lacked in our time. It was not authentic or weak, and it was singled out with the correct one to prevent confusion, so its validity itself was a response to the suspicion.
Nora Abdulaziz

A good book in its chapter that includes all the stages of human life from his creation in the womb of his mother to his fate on the Day of Resurrection. May God have mercy on Ibn al-Qayyim and grant him the highest place in Paradise
Abou Asil Bourguiba

- A useful book that every educator would like to read. It included the book from before the period of pregnancy, namely marriage, then the annunciation of pregnancy and the ‘aqeeqah, until it ended with dealing with the infant, puberty and adolescence.
Basma Bint Mansour

❇️ Content of Tuhfat al-Mawdood’s Book on the Provisions of the Mawlid by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya ❇️

Ibn al-Qayyim stated that he made his book into 17 chapters, the number of which was at the beginning, and they are:

Chapter One: On the desirability of asking for children.

Chapter Two: It is disliked to anger what God has given him of girls.

Chapter Three: On the desirability of giving good tidings to the one who has had a child and congratulating him.

Chapter Four: On the mustahabb of the call to prayer and the iqaamah in his ear.

Chapter Five: On the desirability of humping it.

Chapter Six: On the Aqeeqah on his behalf, its rulings, the difference in its obligation, and the argument of the two communities.

Chapter Seven: On shaving his head and giving alms the weight of his hair.

Chapter Eight: On mentioning its name, time and provisions.

Chapter IX: On the circumcision of the newborn and its provisions.

Chapter Ten: On piercing the ears of males and females, and its rulings.

Chapter Eleven: On the ruling on urinating a boy and a maidservant before they eat food.

Chapter Twelve: Regarding the ruling on a baby’s saliva and saliva, and whether it is pure or impure, because he does not wash his mouth with a lot of vomiting.

Chapter Thirteen: Regarding the Permissibility of Carrying Children in Prayer Even if the Condition of Their Clothes is not known.

Chapter Fourteen: On the desirability of kissing children.

Chapter fifteen: On the necessity of disciplining children, educating them, and treating them justly.

Chapter sixteen: In mentioning useful chapters in raising children.

Chapter seventeen: On the stages of a child from the time it is a sperm to the time of entering Heaven or Hell.

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Versions تحفة المودود بأحكام المولود