Fondos de Gatos por Razas

Fondos de Gatos por Razas

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Enjoy the most beautiful cats of various breeds in this app. download it now

About this app

Having a cat has been proven to reduce stress. Cat owners typically have lower blood pressure than people without pets. You can benefit from a stronger immune system and recover from illness sooner than people without pets.
The current name in many languages ​​comes from the Vulgar Latin catus. Ironically, catus alluded to wild cats, while domestic cats were called felis in Latin.
As a result of genetic mutations, crossbreeding, and artificial selection, there are numerous breeds. Some, like the Sphynx or the Peterbald breed, are devoid of hair; others lack a tail, such as the Manx breed cats, and some have atypical colorations, such as the so-called blue cats.
The cat communicates through vocalizations. The most popular are its characteristic meow and purr, but it can howl, moan, growl and hiss.11 Cats developed the meow for the sole purpose of being able to communicate with humans. In addition, they adopt poses or expressions that inform their peers, their enemies or their caregivers of their mood or intentions.
Along with the dog, it is the most popular domestic animal, as a pet, as an aid in rodent control, or both.
For its wide range of potential prey, for its high efficiency as a predator, and for its high reproductive success.
Cats communicate by marking trees, posts, or furniture with their paws or urine. In addition, leaving their trail is their way of informing other cats of the extent of their territory. Cats' taste buds don't detect sweet flavors.
The 12 things you should never do to a cat. At least if you want to get along with him.
1,-Do not use your hands or feet to play with it. If you want to keep them, use cat toys.
2.-Do not throw him against the toy, throw the toy in a path that moves away from the cat so that he can catch it.
3.-Do not educate him with blows or shouts. You will get the cat to get scared or defend itself. Find other ways.
4.-Don't chase him, don't yell at him and don't stare at him if you want him to come. Give him time and space. Cats tend to approach the calmest person.
5.-Do not take advantage of when he sleeps to bother him especially if when he is awake he does not like you to touch him: for a cat rest is sacred.
6.-Do not bother him when he does his business, you may traumatize him and stop using the tray in order to be calm.
7.-Do not pull the tail. They communicate with her, keep their balance and she is super delicate.
8.-Do not scratch his belly, legs or tail, better go directly to the area in front and behind the ears and under the chin. You will love it.
9.-Do not lift it by the skin of the neck, especially if it is an adult. They don't usually like anything.
10.-Do not pick him up without having made sure beforehand that he likes to be picked up. Many cats prefer to have all four paws on the ground.
11.-Do not try to reassure him if he suddenly flattens his ears, starts to snort or growl, while whipping his tail. You better leave him alone. I wouldn't dare with an upset cat.
12.-Do not corner him or block him to caress him, he will be scared. When he comes over, give him a good cuddle session.
We are sure that if you respect your cat and his way of seeing the world, he will be the first to approach you.