Việt Nam Sử Lược

Việt Nam Sử Lược

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The work was compiled by historian Tran Trong Kim in 1919

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Historical Vietnam is a work compiled by historian Tran Trong Kim in 1919. The book was first published in 1920 and reprinted many times, sometimes used as a textbook under the French colonial rule. and the Republic of Vietnam until 1975, which will continue to be reprinted thereafter.

This work is the first history book of Vietnam written in the Vietnamese script, systematizing the entire history of Vietnam (until the French colonial period). It is the first Vietnamese history book to break free from the tradition of writing history in the chronological style, outline, confusing language of feudal Vietnamese history books, so it is welcomed by the popular people due to its brief, concise and easy to understand. . However, technically, due to being compiled in such a short time, the book was compiled by Tran Trong Kim alone, so the book also has many incorrect details, causing misunderstanding for readers; After that, the author has revised 2 times but still has many mistakes (most of the readers of this book are civilians, only have a rough knowledge of history so they do not recognize the errors, for a while. The book was also used as a textbook, leading to many misunderstandings about history among the people). On the other hand, the book was written during the French colonial period, so it was under the control of the French colonialists. objects, events, dynasties.

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