

  • Latest Version
  • Systembolaget AB

Moderate is an app from Systembolaget.

About this app

Moderate is an app from Systembolaget for you who are over 18 years old. We have created it to make more people reflect on their drinking and to avoid overconsumption of alcohol. We also hope that you will learn more about how alcohol affects the body and what it means to drink in moderation. The app gives you insights on how different drinks, quantity and pace can affect you.

• Graph showing your degree of intoxication.
• View that converts what you have drunk into standard glass.
• See how many calories the drinks contain.
• Experiment or add what you actually drink.
• History gives you valuable insights into your habits.
• Learn more about factors that affect the degree of intoxication.
• Gain a better understanding of the effects of alcohol on the body.

The app cannot measure how many per mille you have in your body.

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