World Newspapers - all news
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World Newspapers - all news

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  • ZHR

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Об этом приложении

World Newspapers gives you the chance to read all the latest news from your country and all around the world in a very compact way from the comfort of your own phone or tablet.

More than 130 countries and 6000 newspapers and news sites are included in the app

Favorites - add sites from any country in favorites
Bookmarks - add articles which you can read later
Home newspaper - load your favorite newspaper on app start
Share news - keep your family and friends informed by sharing news with them
Reader Mode - read only news content without unrelated information
News browser - search for news by keyword
Offline mode - keep articles offline in bookmarks
Themes - use the app in your favorite color
Change country in any time - access any country newspapers easily
Online newspaper/news site list update
Add/Edit/Delete newspaper/news site
Open newspaper/news site in standard browser
Show/Hide action bar on read mode
Show/Hide drawer on application start
Sports News, Tech News, Auto News, Weather News categories
Localized in 10+ languages

Included newspapers/news sites in Russia Newspapers are:
Московский комсомолец, Комсомольская правда, Известия, Российская газета, Коммерсант.ru, Tpyд, Московские новости, Независимая газета, Новые Известия, Ведомости, Правда, Спорт-Экспресс, Советский спорт, Moscow Times, RBTH, Красная звезда, Московская правда, Аргументы и факты, Советский Сахалин,, Вечерний Мурманск, Вечерний Новосибирск, Вечёрка, Время новостей, Новая газета, Новгород, Русский курьер, Санкт-Петербургские ведомости, Трибуна, Karjalan Sanomat, Новый Взгляд, PRIME, RT, Expatica, 3DNews,, ComNews, InoPressa, Forbes, NEWSru, Яндекс новости, Бизнес журнал, Вокруг света, Деловой Петербург, ИноСМИ, Р-спорт, РИА новости, Компьюлента, Cosmopolitan,, Новотека, РБК, Рамблер, Yтро.ru, Фонтанка.ру, Чемпионат, Эксперт, Google новости,, Дождь,,, Екатеринбург Онлайн,,,, УралПолит.Ru, Gismeteo, Эхо Москвы, газета Завтра, Аргументы Недели and more...

Please, contact us if you have any suggestion and ideas about how to make World Newspapers better, so we can improve the application.
Thank you for using our app.

Версии World Newspapers - all news