Poccomu IIT JEE Mains & Advanc

Poccomu IIT JEE Mains & Advanc

  • Latest Version
  • Zreyas Technology

IIT JEE Main & Advanced FREE Mock Tests and Practice Tests, Notes, Tips & Info.

About this app

Poccomu is a test preparation app dedicated to IIT entrance exams, namely IIT-JEE Main and IIT-JEE Advanced. Students can also use the app to prepare for other exams like WB-JEE, BITSAT, VITEEE and more.

Poccomu helps you to secure your first Internship (immense importance) in top companies once you get into an engineering college/institute/university. *

There are two separate and dedicated sets of tests. 1. Poccomu Fundamentals and 2. Poccomu Advanced.

Poccomu Fundamentals targets JEE Main. It helps you in truly understanding concepts (All levels) and makes you prepared for Poccomu Advanced and of course you can give tests.

Poccomu Advanced targets JEE Advanced. it literally tries to make you a "master problem solver".

For each category, you can give a 30 minutes Test (10 MCQs) for each subject each week. Result is available Immediately along with explanations. You can see trend reports of your performance over time and adjust your preparation strategies accordingly.

In essence, Poccomu is a repository of elite as well as fundamental questions for high school students in STEM. *STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Poccomu helps you to become industry and academia ready by developing and testing fundamentals of high school STEM.

Poccomu app has been designed with user-friendliness in mind and it is a very light-weight one.

Your first INTERNSHIP is now more important than many exams

As AICTE has mandated, every engineering and science student has to do an internship from 1st year summer. The internships ( 3 in 4 years ) in college will now carry more weight than the brand of your college and your performance in BTech.

This is where Poccomu will help you.

Poccomu runs another site called crackingitjobs.com which is linked with 1000s of top companies and innovative start-ups in the USA and India. The site has been designed to connect fresh college graduates with top innovative companies in the world so that they can do a top level internship.

If you take our test on a regular basis and do well, we will contact you because then we need your permission to place (through crackingitjobs.com) your CV/Test scores to thousands of top companies that are looking for talent. Global talent gut is a reality and most of the companies are interested in getting the talents as early as possible. So these tests not only will help you to do well in IIT JEE, additionally, you will have an opportunity to do an internship in top places which would matter more than anything.


You can give 4 tests free for each subject i.e., you can give 24 FREE tests for Main and Advanced together. The prices for different packages are very low.

Versions Poccomu IIT JEE Mains & Advanc