101 Most Powerful Bible Prayer
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101 Most Powerful Bible Prayer

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  • Bible and Prayer Apps

Bring the desires of your heart to God with these powerful prayers

About this app

There are thousands of verses in the Bible. How can we find the ones containing the divine wisdom and guidance we are looking for in order to help us grow spiritually and live more faithfully? This app and others in The 101 Most Powerful series will help you find and unlock powerful passages of Scripture that inspire, comfort and challenge. The 101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible helps us open our hearts to God by showing us how earlier saints and sinners prayed.

Brings a zest for life and a zeal for God to the readings that follow. On one page she draws fresh meaning from Bible passages that many of us have heard millions of times before. On another, reveals some of the life-changing spiritual lessons that arise from some of the seemingly mundane events of daily life.

This and the other app in this series will never replace the Bible, but we do hope they will help you grasp its powerful and lifechanging lessons and better utilize its wisdom in your life.

Seeing the heart of God from this viewpoint is compelling. How could we not rush headlong into the arms of the God who loves us so much, the one who longs to commune with us? How can we realize that he is waiting daily to meet with us, to speak to us, to hear us? And yet in our busyness we rush right past him.

God will not force us to return to him from our worries and concerns, but he will continue to draw us to himself. Even now he is inviting us to learn the language of the Spirit, to come to him through the doorway of prayer.

There are many facets to the language of prayer. To pray is to open our lives to God’s overcoming love, which is continually reaching out to us. It is to communicate from the heart with him as our most trusted Friend. It is to worship him for who he is, to sing with joy to him, to thank him for his blessings, and to cry out to him in our pain and grief. It is to confess our sins and receive his forgiveness, his restoration, and his healing. It is to seek his guidance and wisdom when we feel lost or confused. And it is to embrace the practice of intercession as we go to him on behalf of others.

Versions 101 Most Powerful Bible Prayer