MuckBang Pocha

MuckBang Pocha

  • 최신 버전
  • K-Rangers Inc.

A Korean restaurant. Simple visit verification and easy coupon use are possible.

이 앱 정보

● Event push notifications
- You can receive push notifications about Muckbang Pocha’s events and announcements.
- Don’t miss out on the great benefits provided every week.

● Visit verification
- You can prove that you are a regular at Muckbang Pocha through visit verification.
- Enjoy benefits that vary depending on the number of visits.
● Community
- You can freely communicate with Muckbang Pocha’s visitors.
- You can provide feedback directly to the boss, such as reviews and menu suggestions.

● If you’re curious more
- E-mail [email protected]
- Phone 010-2208-0530
개발자 연락처 :
주소 : 서울시 마포구 백범로31길 21 서울창업허브 별관 408호
고객센터 : 070-8811-0422 / [email protected]