400 Hadist Akhir Zaman
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400 Hadist Akhir Zaman

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ebook book of 400 hadiths of the end of modern times / millienial

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Description of the Book of 400 Hadith of the End Times

400 Hadiths of the End Times
Author: Abu Fatiah Al-Adnani
Publisher: Granada
Size: 14 x 20.5 cm
Thickness: 334 Pages

Messages of Rosululloh ﷺ To the People of the End Times

"Abu Zaid Amru bin Akhtab said, Rosululloh ﷺ Fajr prayer with us, then he went up to the pulpit and delivered the sermon to us until the time for Dhuhr prayer came.

He then came down from the pulpit and performed the Dhuhur prayer. He then went up to the pulpit again and delivered the sermon until the time of Asr.

He then came down from the pulpit and said the Asr prayer. He then returned to the pulpit and delivered a further sermon until sunset.

In the sermon, he told us about events that had happened in the past, and events that would occur in the future. The person among us who knew the events best was the one with the most memorization of us. "

HR. Muslim: no. 5149 and Ahmad no. 21817

The book that is currently in the hands of the reader is a collection of a number of hadiths totaling around 400 people. Inspired by the above hadith Abu Zaid, this book tries to present a number of narrations conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ about the signs of the end of time and nubuwat. The hope is that with this collection of hadith observations it will make it easier for novice readers to find out the lafadz-lafadz (matan) of the signs of the end that was conveyed by the Prophet ﷺ. More specifically for du'at and asatidz who want to memorize the hadith of the end of time.

These four hundred hadiths are certainly not the content of the Prophet's lecture as narrated by Abu Zaid Amru bin Akhtab above. This is just an attempt to collect a number of end-time slanderous hadiths contained in tens or hundreds of hadith books that have been compiled by scholars. We hope that the presence of this book will make it easier for Muslims to familiarize themselves with the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ about how to behave in an era full of slander.

Versi 400 Hadist Akhir Zaman