Sleep Sounds & Sleep Tracker

دانلود: Sleep Sounds & Sleep Tracker APK

  • آخرین نسخه
شناسه برنامه sleepsounds.sleeptracker.sleep.sleepmusic
دانلودها 30.1K
آپلود توسط AceTools Team
رتبه بندی 4.9/114+
رده بندی محتوا Everyone
نیاز به اندروید 6.0
به روز رسانی شد Aug 21, 2023


  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
    Allows applications to access information about networks.
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
    Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
    Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
    Required to be able to connect to paired Bluetooth devices.
  • android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
    Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure.
  • android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR:
    Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
    Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground.
    Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "mediaPlayback".
    Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground with the type "microphone".
  • android.permission.INTERNET:
    Allows applications to open network sockets.
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS:
    Allows an app to post notifications
  • android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
    Allows an application to record audio.
    Permission an application must hold in order to use Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS.
  • android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
    Allows applications to use exact alarm APIs.
  • android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT:
    Required for apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q that want to use notification full screen intents.
  • android.permission.VIBRATE:
    Allows access to the vibrator.
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
    Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.