Rock Hard

Rock Hard

  • Latest Version
  • Rock Hard GmbH

Loud music is discovered with the Rock Hard Magazine app!

About this app

The app loads free news, record reviews, tour dates and band portraits with videos and streaming playlists. The results can be filtered by rock & metal genres and adjusted to suit those who know the scene as well as fans who want to get to know their very first bands better.

The extensive archive contains hundreds of thousands of texts from 40 years of rock hard. For complete use and the current e-paper with various reading modes, a subscription must be taken out with the publisher.

According to Der Spiegel, rock hard is “the central organ of heavy
metal fans". But actually even this verbal accolade is not enough, because despite all the volume, Rock Hard stands for musical diversity, sympathy for subcultures and fair and balanced reporting.

The claim "critical - competent - independent" was not chosen by accident.

Versions Rock Hard