dream Player TV for FritzBox

dream Player TV for FritzBox

  • Latest Version
  • Christian Fees

Watch Live TV on your Android TV from your FritzBox Cable 6490/659x/6660/6690

About this app

Watch Live TV on your Android TV or Google TV from your FritzBox Cable 6490/6590/6591/6660/6690 or DVB-C Repeater

Important: This app is intended to run on Android TV or Google TV devices. If you are using a smartphone or tablet, please use the app 'dream Player for FritzBox'


- Playback of SD/HD channels
- Radio playback
- Timeshift
- Recording
- Channel Logos
- Subtitles
- Image format selection
- Timeline
- Live Channels support (only in premium Version)


- FritzBox Cable 6490/6590/6591/6660 or FritzRepeater DVB-C
- Finished DVB-C setup in FritzBox settings
- DVB-C needs to be enabled (maybe disabled by your cable provider)

- This app is not provided by AVM
- The free version is restricted to 3 channels for each bouquet. You can enable premium version to stream all available channels

Versions dream Player TV for FritzBox