Dzikir Pagi Petang GigitSunnah
  • 5.0

Dzikir Pagi Petang GigitSunnah

  • Latest Version
  • GigitSunnah

Morning dhikr reading in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet -shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam-

About this app

This application is made as simple as possible for those who are eager to practice the Sunnah of the Prophet -shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam- which is light but has a very large reward and strives for istiqomah to offer it.

Hopefully with the application of Morning Prayers from GigitSunnah, users can add to their collection of Islamic applications and make it easier to practice their shar'i practices.

And what we have made will hopefully be useful for Muslims around the world, especially for ourselves and make the weight of our good deeds we all in the hereafter later. Aamiiiin!

Barakallahu fiikum.

Syukron wa jazaakumullaahu khairan!

# Content quoted from the book Prayer And Wirid pages 133-155 compiled by Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir jawas, Reader Publisher Imam Asy-Syafii.
# This application does not require an internet connection to be able to access its content.

Versions Dzikir Pagi Petang GigitSunnah