Color blindness Test
  • 3.5

Color blindness Test

  • Latest Version
  • Trident Inc.

Ishihara Color blindness Test Lantern Color test Color Vision Deficiency Games

About this app

This application is based on Ishihara test plates for determining red-green color vision deficiency. According to a research approximately 8% of male are affected with color vision deficiency.

This test consist of a number of coloured plates famously known as Ishihara's test plates, which contains coloured dots representing different numbers and patterns in a different background designed with dots. These patters are clearly visible to people with normal vision but people with red-green color deficiency find it difficult to perceive the number or pattern. Each of these plates have significance in determining degree and type of color vision deficiency.
The types of plates used in the test are

1. Transformational plates
2. Vanishing plates
3. Diagnostic plates
4. Hidden digit plates

This test gives extensive information on the degree and type of color blindness or color vision loss in people.
You can also play color games and do Lantern color vision test

Versions Color blindness Test