Osmanlıca Sözlük & Çeviri

Osmanlıca Sözlük & Çeviri

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Tevakk the Ottoman Dictionary and Translation 📖

About this app

Tevakk the Ottoman Dictionary and Translation, or from Turkey Turkish Ottoman Turkish Ottoman Turkey is a quality application that you can search the glossary and translation from the Turkish Ottoman Turkish.
Total 216.000+ contains words and phrases and allows you to translate a sentence of indefinite length.

Why Tevakk the Ottoman Turkish dictionary?

results without the need to press the Search button will bring up instantly. You can search the movable or harekesiz.
It makes automatic corrections against several spelling errors. Thus, even if you write the word wrong translation can be accessed quickly.

216.000+ with words and phrases from other Ottoman dictionaries dictionary has the largest vocabulary.

Man sorting is applied are the following method:
1. Use level
2. Supply reliability
3. Domestic Placement
In this way, the closest Turkish meaning top rankings
You'll see. The meaning of the words used are rarely taken into the dictionary. Thus you can find the weakest meaning in the dictionary.

Published by the Turkish Standards Institute, according to the characteristics of the Ottoman Keyboard TS13206 certificate number has been established.

The sentence you write in the Latin alphabet can translate automatically be written by the Ottoman alphabet. The only thing you should do is write the sentence you want to translate. Ottoman translation will be carried out automatically.

You can hear how to pronounce the words. Thus, you will learn how the sounds of the letters removed.

Eye fatigue and Arabic learners in order to use the easiest, Google's Material Design principles are designed considering.

Symmetrical SEARCH:
You can search the dictionary Ottoman Turkish or Turkish of Turkey.

The Tevakk dictionary does not need internet connection while translating.

You can change the font of the word, and can adjust the size according to your request. So you can read the translations are more comfortable.

You can use the application free of charge.

Musab Gideon - IU

Some sources used when preparing the dictionary:
Abdullah Tiller - New Lugati
Jamal Erşan - Ottoman Lugati
Mehmet Kanar - Ottoman Turkish Dictionary
Omar Sevinçgül - Concise Lexicon
Comprehensive Ottoman-Turkish Writing Guide - Joel Thomas
Altınbasak Publications - Ottoman Lugati
Printed Word Publications - Ottoman Lugati

Versions Osmanlıca Sözlük & Çeviri