كلمات تهز الأحاسيس

كلمات تهز الأحاسيس

  • Latest Version
  • TamriApps

Words, feelings and feelings shaking hearts

About this app

The application of words shaking feelings 2020 contains poems about painful love, difficult love, painful romances, sayings and judgment about separation and love for the beloved and beloved, great advice and sayings, an example of success and how to overcome the difficulties and problems facing you and how to proceed towards achieving your goals.
And sayings about success and words of gold. Words from life I liked, a judgment about friendship and good companionship, great sayings that many do not know. Words that have liked me, letters that have the meaning of words in love for God, the way to paradise, a judgment about love and patience, a judgment about a mother, and Words shake the feelings
Now we put in your hands the application of words that shake the feelings that will motivate you to achieve your goals and move towards a better future and a wonderful life through quotes from great people who lead to failure and achieve their goals and succeed in life.
Pain in pictures renewed every day with the languages ​​of hearts, words of love, and painful romantic thoughts
There are also various thoughts in the application

Versions كلمات تهز الأحاسيس