Remedio  - Pyro Logic

Remedio - Pyro Logic

  • Latest Version
  • BSCS4A

A Gamified Informative and Reminding system for medication adherence

About this app

REMEDIO is a Gamified Cross-Platform Informative and Reminding
system for medication adherence. The system aims to streamline the
medication and supplement the experience of people undertaking
medication or dietary supplements. "REMEDIO" offers two key
benefits. First, it provides an interactive medication adherence
system using a gamification strategy that turns the often tedious task
of taking medication into a fun and engaging experience. Second,
REMEDIO's easy-to-use medicine reminder ensures that users receive
timely reminders to take their medications. They also have the option
to add a guardian or a family member who will act as their

Versions Remedio - Pyro Logic