40 Hadis Mudah Dihafal - Sanad

40 Hadis Mudah Dihafal - Sanad

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40 Easily Memorized Hadiths - Sanad and Matan History of Imam al-Bukhari

About this app

Alhamdulillah, perfect praise is only for Allah, God is Almighty, All-Willing, facilitates something that feels difficult, elevates the level of people who believe and study. To Him we plead that we be included as His servants who love Him, love His Messenger, love the Qur'an and the Sunnah of His Messenger.

Salawat and greetings, hopefully always poured out on the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ibn Abdillah. The Prophet who loved his friends and ummah. Always teach and expect goodness. May God bring us together in Padang Makhsyar, and allow us to sit nearby.
Wa ba'du.

Although it is certainly not mandatory, memorizing the traditions of the Messenger of Allah is a good sunnah to do, and it becomes its own happiness if we can memorize it with the sanad at once.

Hadith scholars are known as memorizers of hadith complete with their sanad. Imam al-Bukhari, for example, was told that he memorized 600 thousand traditions, both valid and not. This means he memorized 600 thousand with matan and sanad at once.

Likewise, Imam Ahmad was told that he memorized 1 million traditions. So what is meant is matan and sanad at once.

Hadith scholars today, there are still many who memorize hadith in certain books, complete with their sanad at once. If you want to compare with the ulamas first, then of course their number of hadith memorizers is much less and only a few numbers and the number of hadiths that they memorize with their sanad is not as much as those of the scholars who had memorized.

For us laymen, memorizing Hadith with its sanad is very difficult, especially for the sanad, it will often be exchanged. Therefore, in the book of these 40 hadiths, the author collects his traditions only through 1 path or 1 sanad. As a result, readers only need to memorize 1 lane for use in 40 traditions. Well, even this one author deliberately chose the short and easy to memorize.

Then what are the benefits?
Memorizing Hadith, whatever, let alone the valid ones, let alone the sahih from the history of al-Bukhari, will be a wonderful memory. He will be a clue that we will continue to carry out as proof of us loving the Messenger of Allah, wanting to follow his Sunnah.

Another benefit is, we get to know the ulama, tabi'in and friends. Getting to know them will make us want to be like them, or our children like them.

The third benefit is, when someone memorizes the hadith with his sanad, knows the narrators in the sanad, then understands the message contained in the hadith, it is hoped that an emotional connection or inner connection will arise. The impact, encouragement and motivation to practice the messages will be stronger. For example: The person who memorizes the hadith of the virtue of praying in complete congregation, sanad, matan and biography, even its meaning, will bring him to always pray in congregation, will feel loss if he does not do it.

This book and application is the first series, God willing, in the not too distant future, we will make a second series with the hadith pattern narrated through 4 lines, each of the 10 hadith lines.

This program or movement offers writers to schools, pesantren and campus, even to the majlis ta'lim. Hopefully in the future it will be a wider program and the benefits will be felt by the ummah. Amen.

Hope and prayer of the author, hopefully this step will be a charity for hopefully those involved. Amen. The ideas and suggestions that build are certainly the authors hope for the improvement of this program.

Versions 40 Hadis Mudah Dihafal - Sanad