Fiqih Bidah dan Khurafat

Fiqih Bidah dan Khurafat

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Study of Bidah and Khurafat which were not exemplified by the Prophet in Islamic teachings

About this app

Khurafat means believing in natural signs that are associated with the fate of life, and Bid'ah means making up teachings that have no example from the Prophet or pure Islamic teachings.

In terms of terms, Khurafat is a belief, belief, view and teaching that actually has no basis in religion but is believed to originate and have a basis in religion.

Bid'ah in linguistic terms is anything or new things that are created, these new things can be in the form of something good or bad

The important step to avoid Khurafat and Bid'ah is to maintain true beliefs and live a life in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Apart from that, deep understanding and rational thinking are the right way to overcome bid'ah and khurafat.

Bidah and Khurafat Fiqh, equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ The sin of shirk and examples
+ Knowledge of Aqidah
+ Practice of the Sunnah of the Prophet
+ Book of Adab in Islam
+ Reward Loss
+ Islamic Tausiyah