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  • Lei Hoiwaa

The origin, allusion and meaning of the idioms are explained clearly in the form of stories. The stories are easy to understand, deep in connotation, and endlessly interesting. They truly reproduce a period of legendary past and historical relics.

About this app

If Chinese is the vast ocean, idioms are the beautiful shells, and idioms stories are the pearls in the shells. As the essence of language, the epitome of history, the accumulation of civilization, and the concentration of wisdom, idioms are shining with wisdom everywhere. They are the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation. Idiom stories are the condensation of historical and cultural wisdom, the products of various historical eras, and contain rich historical knowledge and profound truths.

Chinese idioms are concise and concise. They are a cultural condensate of a certain truth or spirit. They are formed through continuous accumulation and inheritance. Chinese idioms can be described as the crystallization of cultural knowledge. Chinese idioms contain extremely rich literary colors. Behind each idiom is its source or story. These stories tell the various aspects of human life, the natural world and everything. It can inspire people to think deeply and have a far-reaching impact.

How many Chinese idioms are in your brain?

The "Encyclopedia of Idioms and Stories" contains more than 5,000 classic idiom stories, such as the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, finishing touches, waiting for the bunny, and killing two birds with one stone, etc., which are all familiar to us. The origin, allusion and meaning of the idioms are explained clearly in the form of stories. The stories are easy to understand, deep in connotation, and endlessly interesting. They truly reproduce a period of legendary past and historical relics.

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