PMP Certification Exam Prep
  • 4.4

PMP Certification Exam Prep

  • Latest Version
  • LearnZapp

Study with 2000 practice test questions with detailed explanations

About this app

Are you looking for a comprehensive and effective way to prepare for the PMI PMP exam? Look no further than Learnzapp's PMP Exam Prep App, the ultimate study tool for exam success.
Don't waste any more time studying with outdated or irrelevant materials. Invest in your professional development and crush the PMP exam with ease.

With over 2000 exam-specific questions and detailed explanations, 750 flashcards, and 600 acronyms/glossary terms, you'll have all the study materials you need for the PMI PMP Exam Prep.

Find out how prepared you are for the real exam with our readiness score feature. It tells you exactly where you stand and which areas you should focus on.

Personalize your practice with our custom test builder feature. Select specific topics and questions to create tests tailored to your needs for PMP Exam Prep. The test engine generates personalized tests with a mix of new and your weakest questions, helping you focus on the areas where you need the most improvement.

Keep track of your progress through the study materials and see how much you have left to complete.

Get feedback on your performance on practice exams and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Save questions for later review or revisit areas that you need to focus on.

The app is available on all devices (phones and tablets), so you study anywhere, anytime. Your data is saved, so you can easily pick up where you left off on one device on another device.

We constantly update the app with new study materials and practice questions to ensure you have the most current and relevant information.

You can download the app for free, which gives you access to a selection of questions and features. To get full access to all of the study materials and features, you can subscribe through in-app purchase.

Versions PMP Certification Exam Prep