ichords: cifras em tempo real
  • 4.5

ichords: cifras em tempo real

  • Latest Version
  • Daccord Music

Performance recording with real-time chords synchronized with the music.

About this app


- Chords in real time, synchronized with the music;
- Video performance recording and sharing;
- Themed playlists selected for specific moments and difficulty levels;
- Create your own setlist, with your favorite list;

Customize your recording experience, you can record with background music or just a metronome.
You can choose the part of the song you want to train and record.
If you don't want to record with the camera on, you have the option to turn it off. The final video will have your voice and guitar and it will be a great canvas, where you can write and add elements on the networks where you share it.
Browse the playlists, they are selections designed for each moment and user profile.
When sharing your video, mention our profile @ichords.app or use #ichords so that we can also share your video on our networks.


- Integration with spotify, for unlimited music collection;
- Special controls like: Change chords, Song speed, pitch transposition, chord simplification, loop;
- Methodology of lessons for different levels with videos, exercises and quizzes. ichords will help you evolve on the instrument;
- Creation of playlists;
- Inclusion of the lyrics of the song also synchronized;
- More controls over the video, including lyrics, sharing the final video without the chords, mixing music in the final video;
- Inclusion of other instruments such as keyboard, ukulele, cavaquinho and more.
...Download ichords and follow this whole revolution in the experience with instruments!

People want to see you play.
Share your passion for music with ichords!

About ichords:

WEBSITE: https://ichords.app/
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ichords.app (@ichords.app)
TIKTOK: https://tiktok.com/@ichords.app (@ichords.app)
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@ichordsapp1772

Versions ichords: cifras em tempo real