  • 3.5


  • Latest Version
  • 两岁小孩儿

Leisure puzzles test the reserve of idioms, but there are also skills.

About this game

The idiom solitaire crossword game is to distribute the idioms in the form of solitaire on a chessboard, hide a part of the text in the alternative answer area, and the player guesses which idiom may be based on the current situation. Every time an idiom is filled in, it will prompt whether it is correct or not in real time. When an idiom is completed, it will become unmodifiable. Get all correct answers to enter the next level.
Idioms Solitaire Crossword is a knowledge-based decompression game that is entertaining and entertaining. The difficulty increases a little as the level increases, and a reminder function is designed to help players continue to play when they really don’t. And as you pass the level, you can promote the promotion, recruit talents, upgrade the background ship and other functions, which can make the players feel more fulfilled and hope to continue playing.

Versions 成语接龙:猜成语,拼字,猜词,填字游戏