حكم تحير العقول
  • 4.4

حكم تحير العقول

  • Latest Version
  • AliAloosh99

The application of the rule of sayings that shakes minds contains a rule that has been immortalized throughout history, beautiful sayings about life

About this app

The application of the rule that boggles minds contains images of judgment, words, sayings and thoughts, and it contains judgment, pictorial sayings, and words about life, love and relationships, as well as friendship and presented in the form of a variety of beautiful images. This application also includes the most beautiful sermons, thoughts and sentences of admonition, as well as the best judgment, advice and illustrated sayings. All of this we offer to you exclusively to enjoy it and to help you understand life, improve your relationships with people, and gain wisdom, great tips and sayings, an example of success and how to overcome the difficulties and problems facing you and how to move towards achieving your goals.
Now we put in your hands the application of "judgment and sayings of minds" that will motivate you to achieve your goals and move towards a better future and a wonderful life, through sayings from great people who defy failure and achieved their goals and succeeded in life. These sayings and judgment will help you to face problems and difficulties and overcome them and move forward step by step .
Simple but useful and wise phrases Useful words in life It includes a set of wisdom and sayings that were taken from life as a lesson for a person to help him move on in his life and how to coexist with people, how to identify them only with their morals and daily behavior, and also includes a ruling on love, sadness and study And progress in life, a ruling on betrayal, a ruling on separation, a ruling from the reality of life and the experiences of others that contain a summary of the experiences of others through their daily life situations to benefit from and benefit the other with it

Versions حكم تحير العقول