The End Urdu Romantic Novel

The End Urdu Romantic Novel

  • Latest Version
  • HAM Technology (Urdu App Publisher)

A story where love and fear intertwine

About this app

A story where love and fear intertwine , the story revolves around two lovers who encounter a demonic Force that make their lives difficult and keep them under the shadow of fear and dread, Every aspect of the story Will raise the heart rate of the readers while increasing the suspense, The novel is not only about fear and thrill but it goes deep in to human psyche, Love sacrifice and the extent to which we can go to protect the people we care about will b explored in this novel, If you also read a horror romantic novel then this novel is the best choice.

1- New and Improved Design
2- Zoom in, Zoom out feature
3- New bookmarks functionality
4- More reading space
5- Bugs Free
6- Clean and Simple Design for reading
7- Very low app size
8- Easy to read and Eye comfort as in screenshots
9- Very attractive layout
10- Extremely user friendly
11- Dark Mode