Learn HTML (Full Course)

Learn HTML (Full Course)

  • Latest Version
  • SikApps Academy

Complete HTML Course For Beginners

About this app

This app is an excellent choice for beginners to learn HTML through interactive video tutorials and lessons for free. Also, this app doesn't require any signup process which makes it extremely user-friendly and convenient to use.

★ What you'll learn in this course? ★
1. Build HTML Pages from Start to Finish
2. Learn What HTML Tags are and How to Use Them
3. Learn How to Customize HTML Elements Using Attributes
4. Build Search Engine Friendly HTML Pages (SEO)
5. Master Common HTML Tags Used In Web Development
6. Complete Course Exercises and Quizzes to Build Confidence
7. How to Code in HTML, Structure of an HTML Page, Text Formatting in HTML
8. Embedding Videos, Creating Links, Anchor Tags, Tables & Nested Tables
9. Building Forms, Embedding Iframes, Inserting Images, Author semantic HTML.
10. Use semantic HTML to improve the accessibility of your websites and apps.
11. Layout web pages visually using CSS.
12. Read and understand the HTML and CSS specifications to be able to continue teaching yourself.
13. Understand how browser rendering engines work.
14. Gain a proper understanding of the CSS cascade, inheritance, and specificity.
15. Advanced CSS features like Flexbox and Grid.
16. We'll create a simple "Coming Soon" webpage using valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
17. We'll focus on WHY the code we write looks the way it does –– so you can develop an intuitive understanding of how HTML and CSS work
18. You'll be able to use HTML and CSS with confidence, following best practices every step of the way!
19. You will build 16 web development projects for your portfolio, ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
20. You will master both front and back-end development, becoming a full-stack developer by the end of the course.
21. After the course you will be able to build ANY website you want.
22. Build fully-fledged websites and web apps for your startup or business.
23. Work as a freelance web developer.
24. Master frontend development, professional developer best practices.
25. Become a modern and confident HTML and CSS developer, no prior knowledge needed!
26. Design and build a stunning real-world project for your portfolio from scratch
27. Modern, semantic and accessible HTML5
28. Modern CSS (previous CSS3), including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout
29. Important CSS concepts such as the box model, positioning schemes, inheritance, solving selector conflicts, etc.
30. A web design framework with easy-to-use rules and guidelines to design eye-catching websites
31. How to plan, sketch, design, build, test, and optimize a professional website
32. How to make websites work on every possible mobile device (responsive design)
33. How to use common components and layout patterns for professional website design and development
34. Developer skills such as reading documentation, debugging, and using professional tools
35. How to find and use free design assets such as images, fonts, and icons
36. Practice your skills with 10+ challenges (solutions included)
37. Responsive HTML Email Development
38. Design for Dark Mode Email Clients with CSS Media Queries
39. Build HTML Emails that Render 100% Across 80+ Email Clients Including Outlook
40. Learn How To Use Gifs in HTML Email, Background Image, Outlook Friendly Buttons, & More.
41. Learn to create simple web pages using HTML5
42. Learn the basics tags of HTML
43. To create customizable forms and add form validation in HTML
44. To include multimedia(audio, video, images) in your web page
45. To create your own vector graphics using SVG
46. Projects to test your knowledge

★ Disclaimer ★
Developer claims no credit for any video embedded in this app unless otherwise noted. Videos embedded in this app are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an video appearing in this app that belongs to you and you do not want it to appear in this app, please contact us via email and it will be promptly removed.

★ Icon Credit ★

Versions Learn HTML (Full Course)