Dental Braces

Dental Braces

  • Latest Version
  • Digio Dev

Getting braces can be an overwhelming...

About this app

Getting braces can be an overwhelming experience. Learning the different parts of braces can even make your head spin. However, learning this information can help you . This information can help you ask questions, care for your braces, and be aware of a problem should one occur.

Below you will find a list of the different parts of braces and their brief descriptions.

The application of braces moves the teeth as a result of force and pressure on the teeth. There are traditionally four basic elements used: brackets, bonding material, arch wire, and ligature elastic (also called an “O-ring”). The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on the brackets and teeth. Sometimes springs or rubber bands are used to put more force in a specific direction.[medical citation needed]

Braces have constant pressure which, over time, move teeth into the desired positions. The process loosens the tooth after which new bone grows in to support the tooth in its new position. This is called bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is a biomechanical process responsible for making bones stronger in response to sustained load-bearing activity and weaker in the absence of carrying a load. Bones are made of cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Two different kinds of bone resorption are possible: direct resorption, which starts from the lining cells of the alveolar bone, and indirect or retrograde resorption, which occurs when the periodontal ligament has been subjected to an excessive amount and duration of compressive stress. Another important factor associated with tooth movement is bone deposition. Bone deposition occurs in the distracted periodontal ligament. Without bone deposition, the tooth will loosen, and voids will occur distal to the direction of tooth movement.

Make your experience with braces with your orthodontist more exciting by creating different patterns with the help of Dental Braces. It is the best app to accompany braces!

The Dental Braces app features several main functions.

Gold braces stickers
Man braces stickers
Woman braces stickers
Funny braces stickers
Glamour braces stickers
Hipster braces stickers

Versions Dental Braces