Kisah Sahabat Nabi Lengkap
  • 4.7

Kisah Sahabat Nabi Lengkap

  • Latest Version
  • Calon_Sarjana

Complete Companions of the Companions of the Prophet for you

About this app

The Story of the Prophet and Companions contains a collection of stories of the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions that are amazing and moving and full of wisdom and examples in them that should be a role model for his people.

According to Al-Hakim an-Naisaburi in his Al-Mustadrak, the level of Companions is divided into twelve levels, namely:

1. The Rashidin Khulafa'ur and the rest of the Ten Promised by Heaven while still alive
2. Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam in Mecca before Umar and followed the Daarul Arqam assembly
3. Companions of the Prophet who participated emigrated to the land of Habasyah
4. Companions of the Prophet Ansar who participated in the First Aqabah Bai'at
5. Companions of the Prophet Ansar who participated in the Second Bai'at Aqabah
6. Companions of the Prophet of the Muhajirin who emigrated before the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina from Quba
7. Companions of the Prophet who participated in the Battle of Badr
8. Companions of the Prophet who emigrated between the Battle of Badr and the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
9. Companions of the Prophet who took part in the Bai'at Ridhwan during the Hudaibiyyah expedition
10. Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam and emigrated to Medina after the Hudaibiyyah Agreement
11. Companions of the Prophet who converted to Islam after Fathu Makkah

For the development of this application, if there are criticisms and suggestions please send an email to [email protected]

Hopefully this application is useful, amen.

Versions Kisah Sahabat Nabi Lengkap