Reversi Board Offline

Reversi Board Offline

  • Latest Version
  • Ludo Board Dice Game

Play Reversi A Minute to Learn... A Lifetime to Master.

About this game

Reversi (also known as Othello) is a classic strategy board game. It is an offline game which you can play Reversi anytime and anywhere.

Reversi (a.k.a. Othello) is a board-game based on a grid with eight rows and eight columns, played between you and the computer, by placing pieces with two colored sides. 

The object of the Reversi board game is to win over your opponent, whether it's human or CPU.
During a play, any pieces of the opponent's color that are in a straight line and bounded by the piece just placed and another piece of the current player's color are turned over to the current player's color.

Hope you can enjoy playing our new classic Reversi board game. It would be great if you share this classic Reversi game with your friends/family and play together.