Biografi Para Ulama Besar Isla
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Biografi Para Ulama Besar Isla

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Complete biographies of the great Islamic scholars

About this app

Biography of the Great Ulama is an application to add insight and as a means of getting to know the biographies of the great Islamic scholars who have struggled to spread Islam from the Arabian peninsula to spread throughout the world as the religion of rahmatalil'alamin to spread peace.

We have seriously compiled this application so that Muslims are better acquainted with the names of the great names of the great Islamic scholars, such as the high priests of 4 schools of thought; Imam Shafi, Imam Hambali, Imam Maliki, Imam Hanafi and the great and great scholar of the arctic guardian Sheikh Abdul Qodir Al Jailani and many more.

The Ulama's heavy struggle in spreading Islam to us, so that we need to do respect in the simplest way by knowing his name so that the history of the development of Islam in the world will continue and as a guide for us to learn more about Islam from our great ulama teachers.

Biography of the Ulama provided;
1. Imam Shafi'i
2. Imam Hambali
3. Imam Maliki
4. Imam Bukhori
5. Ibn Taymiyyah
6. Abu Yazid Al-Buzthomi
7. Sheikh Abdul Qodir Al Jailani
8. Ibn Athaillah
9. Imam Ghazali
10. Imam Nasai
11. Imam Muslim
12. Imam Ibn Hajar
13. Imam Ibn Kathir
14. Imam As Suyuthi
15. Imam At Thabrani
16. Priest Judge
17. Imam Nawawi
18. Imam Baihaqi
19. Imam Ibn Majah
20. Imam Tirmidhi
21. Imam Abu Daud
22. Imam Bukhori
23. Imam Al Humaidi
24. Imam Ali Al Madini
25. Imam Abdurrahman bin Mahdi
26. Imam Rabiah
27. Imam Yahya bin Ma'in
28. Imam Malik bin Anas
29. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal
30. Imam Sufyan Ats Tsauri


Hopefully this application can add to our benefits and knowledge to better know and respect our great scholars.

Walaikum Salam.

Versions Biografi Para Ulama Besar Isla