Search by Image (Multi engine)
  • 3.7

Search by Image (Multi engine)

  • Latest Version
  • Battling Bugs

This app is for searching similar images you like to search, very easy to use.

About this app

Search by Image (Multi engine) is very simple and easy to use for searching images like your image around the globe. Almost fifty languages are implemented.
This application seaches images very similar from different search engines which are mostally used these days . you have a picture and wants to see more similar images like that , what you have to do is just that search images through that application.
You can search through gallery images, voice, by typing and using your mobile camera.

1-Reverse image search (multi engines) using images and by typing
2-Seach using image
3-search by voice, typing
4-editing images (crop, rotate, flip ) before searching image
5-More than fifty languages are implemented
6-Safe Search filter for your data safety

1-shows lot of similar images to your images
2-shows visually same images
3- you can download images you like

How to use.........?

1. Select image from your Gallery or capture image from your camera.
2. Edit image if you want and then Search.
3. Wait, App searches similar images on three different search engines.
4. Search image with the help of Voice. Speak Word and find images.
5. Search image by Text, just typing the text and this app helps you to find a similar photo
6- Long press and Save images you like to your gallery
Thanks !

Versions Search by Image (Multi engine)