Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

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Quantum Physics Book

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Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of subatomic particles, such as the particles in the atomic nucleus, electrons and photons. It provides an understanding of the fundamentals of the universe on a very small scale and provides a conceptual framework for understanding phenomena that classical physics cannot explain.

In the early 20th century, physicists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Niels Bohr developed the theories that became the basis for quantum physics. One of the main concepts in quantum physics is that subatomic particles have dual properties as particles and waves. This means that subatomic particles can behave like particles with measurable position and momentum, but also have wave properties such as interference and superposition.

One of the most famous experiments in quantum physics is the double slit experiment, which is carried out by sending particles such as electrons through a tiny slit. The results of this experiment show that the particles can exhibit a wave-like interference pattern, even though they are sent one at a time. This highlighted the dualistic nature of subatomic particles and introduced important concepts in quantum physics such as wave superposition and decay.

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