Thanksgiving prayer for day

Thanksgiving prayer for day

  • Latest Version
  • Apps Croy

powerful prayers of the night

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“Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the small and large gifts that your kindness has placed in my path at every moment of this journey. Thank you for the light, for the water, for the food, for the job, for this roof. Thank you for the beauty of creatures, for the miracle of life, for the innocence of children, for the friendly gesture, for the love. Thank you for the surprise of your presence in each being. Thank you for your love that sustains and protects us, for your forgiveness that always gives me a new opportunity and makes me grow. Thank you for the joy of being useful every day and with that having the opportunity to serve those who are by my side and in some way, serve humanity. May tomorrow I be better. Before going to sleep, I want to forgive and bless those who hurt me on this day. I also want to ask for forgiveness if I hurt someone. Lord bless my rest, the rest of my physical body and my astral body. Also bless the rest of my loved ones, my family and my friends. Bless in advance the journey I will undertake tomorrow Thank you Lord, good night!”

Versions Thanksgiving prayer for day