Fiqih Puasa Madzhab Syafi’i

Fiqih Puasa Madzhab Syafi’i

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  • Mantan Santri

Fiqh of Fasting According to Syafi'iy Madzhab - Be Your Loyal Friend's Reading

About this app

This Android application is the Fiqh of Fasting according to the Syafi'iy Madzhab. In PDF format.

Author : Muhammad Ajib, Lc., MA.

Definition of Fasting

In Arabic, fasting is called (الصَّوْ مُ ) which means to hold back. This word (الصَّوْ مُ ) comes from the form ( صَامَُ-يَ صو مُ-صَوْمًا-صِيَامًا ).

As for fasting in terms of syar'i according to Imam an-Nawawi (d. 676 H) in the book al-Majmu' Syarh al-Muhadzdzab are:

وفى اُلشرع : إُمساك مُخصوص عُن شُيء مُخصوص فُيُ زمن مُخصوص مُن شُخص مُخصوص.

As for fasting, according to syar'i terms, is to refrain specifically from specific things that are done at specific times by certain people.

Postulates About Fasting

In fact, there are many arguments related to the problem of fasting.

In Al-Quran Al-Karim, Allah SWT says about fasting in Ramadan:

"O you who believe, it is obligatory upon you to fast as it was obligatory upon the people before you so that you may be pious." (QS Al-Baqarah: 183).

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