MaaJoy Transport For Kids

MaaJoy Transport For Kids

  • Latest Version
  • Maa JOY

Join your cute animal friends in Tiny Transport City - learn, drive, have fun!

About this game

Welcome to the world of transportation! This exciting game for children aged 0 to 8 will allow your little ones to embark on adventures, where they will learn about four types of vehicles: a fire truck, an ambulance, a police car, and a race car.

This game features bright and fun graphics, with simple and easy-to-understand controls, even for the youngest players. Children will learn about the purpose of each vehicle and develop their logical thinking and motor skills.

The game allows children to control each of the vehicles, move the characters, and dress them up in different professional outfits. During gameplay, they will learn a lot about the work of firefighters, medics, police officers, and racers.

Download this exciting game now and help your children embark on exciting adventures on different modes of transportation!

Versions MaaJoy Transport For Kids