Device Info: CPU PhoneInfo
  • 4.3

Device Info: CPU PhoneInfo

  • Latest Version
  • Master Technologis

Device Info: System & CPU Info gives you information about phone .

About this app

Device Info is smart android app reports complete phone info. PhoneInfo or Device Info gives details about software info like OS, Installed Apps, System Apps
Device Info provides phone information of available CPU .
DeviceInfo allows you to check CPU clock speed.
PhoneInfo helps checking RAM memory ussage.
With DeviceInfo you can see System memory Storage, Internal memory Storage and External memory Storage.
PhoneInfo provide battery Info: capacity, level, temperature, voltage.
Device Info helps you in checking all the sensors installed with brand and power ussage.
Device Info reports available sensors's information of name, type, current consumption, maximum range, vendor, working.
PhoneInfo app gives Device info along with G force, EMF, Megnatic field, acceleration.

We are working on it, Here more to come...

Versions Device Info: CPU PhoneInfo