Learn Aikido

Learn Aikido

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  • mdominios50

Learn Aikido step by step with many videos

About this app

- If you like martial arts and aikido is your passion, with this application you will have at your disposal the videos you need to learn techniques, philosophy and everything you need to know about aikido.

- Aikido is a Japanese martial art based on the principles of harmony, non-violence and non-competitiveness. The founder of aikido was Morihei Ueshiba, although practitioners of this martial art respectfully call him "sensei" (great teacher).

-After the Second World War, O-Sensei recognized the impossibility of having harmony where victory and destruction were stimulated over the opponent, aspects that were frequently in the martial arts that he practiced. Due to this conflict, O-Sensei began to develop his own concepts, building an alternative martial art, in which the intention was to end conflicts, not victory or destruction of the opponent.

-Aikido mobilizes the control of the opponent's force and acts in the attack movements with the least possible effort, since it absorbs the force of the movement and uses it in his favor.

- Different belts in Aikido.

· White Belt, First level of the kyu. Beginners, symbolizes innocence, must be used for 3 months.
· Yellow Belt, symbolizes education, shows that there is light inside, must be used for 3 months.
· Orange Belt, symbolizes admiration, must be worn for 5 months.
· Green Belt, symbolizes morality, must be used for 7 months.
· Blue Belt, symbolizes the sky to which personal growth is directed, must be worn for 9 months.
· Brown Belt, symbolizes the precaution that the practitioner must adopt with his external force, it must be used for 11 months.
· 1st Dan Black Belt, symbolizes acquired maturity, must be worn for one year.
· 2nd Dan Black Belt, two stripes are added to the belt, must be worn for one year.
· 3rd Dan Black Belt, the three stripes added show effort, must be worn for two years.
· Black Belt 4th Dan, the one who obtains this level is praised for how difficult it is to reach, it must be used for three years.
· Black Belt 5th Dan, end of the path in which the practitioner is examined, must be used for four years.
· Black Belt 9th Dan, it is the highest recognition that an aikido practitioner obtains, it must be worn until death.

- The weapons of aikido.

· Generally, there are four traditional weapons used for its practice, the bokken, which is a replica of a wooden katana. The jō, which is a stick approximately 1.20m long, the tantō, which is a replica of a short sword or knife. Finally, there is the wakizashi, which is a wooden katana replica slightly shorter than the bokken.

- Some Curiosities.

· In addition to the dogi, the aikido training uniform also features a piece called hakama, a kind of skort that aikidoka wear over the lower part of the dogi when they reach the black belt.

· Another of the most famous aikidokas is Steven Seagal, famous for his many films.

· There is a statue of O'Sensei near Tanabe Beach, his hometown, a Japanese city located in Wakayama province.


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