Tabla: India's mystical drum

Tabla: India's mystical drum APK 7.51.10 - 免费下载

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上次更新时间: 2024年七月31日



应用名称: Tabla: India's mystical drum

应用程序 ID:

评级: 4.0 / 125.49 千+

作者: Kolb Apps

应用大小: 50.22 MB


Tabla 是一种在手机/平板电脑上演奏和学习印度打击乐的快捷方式。 现在您可以随时随地播放任何歌曲! 感受你的手指变成鼓槌。 非常适合任何对乐器和音乐充满热情的人!

Tabla 是一种印度教打击乐器,广泛用于印度虔诚和冥想音乐。 它由一对鼓组成,较小、音调较高的 DAYA 和较大、声音较深的 BAYA。

Tabla 是一对来自印度次大陆的双手鼓。 自 18 世纪以来,塔布拉鼓一直是印度斯坦古典音乐中的主要打击乐器,它可以单独演奏,也可以作为其他乐器和人声的伴奏,也可以作为大型合奏的一部分。 Tabla 也经常在印度、孟加拉国、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、阿富汗和斯里兰卡的流行和民间音乐表演中演奏。 手鼓也是印度教和锡克教奉爱传统中的重要乐器,例如在吟唱 bhajan 和 kirtan 时。 它是苏菲派音乐家使用的主要卡瓦利乐器之一。 Tabla 也出现在 Kathak 等舞蹈表演中。


Tabla 有几个视频课程可以帮助您。 它还带有大量不同音乐风格的循环供您一起演奏。

Tabla 非常适合学习或玩耍,不会发出太大的噪音或占用太多空间。 你可以在任何地方练习!


检查 Tabla 的规格:
- 录音室品质的音频
- 几个带教程的节奏课程
- 几个循环一起玩
- 录音模式
- 将您的录音导出为 MP3
- 适用于所有屏幕分辨率
- 免费应用程序
- 支持 MIDI


试一试,享受 Google Play Drum App 带来的乐趣吧!


来自 Real Drum 应用程序的创建者!

在 TikTok、Instagram、Facebook 和 YouTube 上的频道上关注我们,获取有关如何使用该应用程序的提示! @KolbApps

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Tabla is a quick way to play and learn Indian percussion on mobile/tablet. Now you can play any song anywhere! Feel your fingers transform into drumsticks. Excellent for anyone who is passionate about the instrument and music!

Tabla is a Hindu percussion instrument widely used in Indian devotional and meditative music. It consists of a pair of drums, the smaller, higher-pitched DAYA and the larger, deeper-sounding BAYA.

The Tabla is a pair of double hand drums from the Indian subcontinent. Since the 18th century, the tabla has been the main percussion instrument in Hindustani classical music, where it can be played solo, as an accompaniment to other instruments and vocals, and as part of larger ensembles. Tabla is also often played in popular and folk music performances in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. The tabla is also an important instrument in the bhakti devotional traditions of Hinduism and Sikhism, such as during the chanting of bhajan and kirtan. It is one of the main qawali instruments used by Sufi musicians. Tabla also appears in dance performances like Kathak.

Play percussion like a pro!
Make your sound and share the videos of your performances with your friends and on social networks!

Why haven't you learned to play Indian percussion yet?
Tabla has several video lessons to help you. It also comes with loads of loops of different musical styles to play along with.

You don't need percussion to learn to play!
The Tabla is great for studying or playing without making too much noise or taking up too much space. You can practice anywhere!

What are you waiting for to become a percussionist?

Check the specifications of Tabla:
- 8 pads
- Studio-quality audio
- Several rhythm lessons with tutorial
- Several loops to play along with
- recording mode
- Export your recordings to MP3
- Works with all screen resolutions
- Free app
- Supports MIDI

The app is free, but you can remove all ads and get the premium version by purchasing the license!

Give it a try and have fun with the Google Play Drum App!

Made for drummers, percussionists, professional musicians, amateurs or beginners.

From the creators of the Real Drum app!

Follow us on channels on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for tips on how to use the App! @KolbApps

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Tabla: India's mystical drum Tabla: India's mystical drum Tabla: India's mystical drum Tabla: India's mystical drum Tabla: India's mystical drum
