台大醫院行動服務 APK 2.0.3

Jan 22, 2025

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The mobile service APP provided by National Taiwan University Hospital covers the medical system of National Taiwan University, including the General Hospital, Beihu Branch, Jinshan Branch, Hsinchu Branch, Zhudong Branch, and Yunlin Branch.

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Detailed Description

The mobile service APP of National Taiwan University Hospital provides medical service information of National Taiwan University Hospital General Hospital, Beihu Branch, Jinshan Branch, Hsinchu Branch, Zhudong Branch, and Yunlin Branch. And provide the basic information of commonly used relatives and friends to file, which is convenient for registration related operations.

APP introduction video link:

The main functions are described as follows:
1. Online registration: You can find a suitable doctor according to the category of "discipline", "disease" or "physician".
2. Inquiry/Cancellation: You can use your ID card number or medical record number and date of birth to inquire and cancel outpatient registration.
3. Consultation progress: You can view the current light signal by department or click on relatives and friends to view the consultation progress of the day.
4. Which department to look for: Provide information on the recommended registration department according to the symptoms.
5. Medical staff: Find a suitable doctor or medical staff from the department.
6. Medication inquiry: You can inquire the medication information of the main account and relatives and friends within 90 days.
7. Traffic guide: Provide information such as traffic routes, public transportation, and electronic maps to the hospital.
8. More information:
(1) Latest News: Check the latest news released in the hospital.
(2) Introduction to National Taiwan University: Introduction to the hospital.
(3) Traffic guide: Provide information such as traffic routes, public transportation, and electronic maps to the hospital.
9. Settings:
(1) Basic information of registration: Set the information of relatives and friends to assist in registration.
(2) Hospital setting: You can switch the registration of different hospital areas.
(3) Change Password: The registration password can be reset.
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