NewssQ - всі газети APK 4.0.4
3 бер. 2025 р.
4.2 / 5.44 Тисяча+
SM techq - news apps
Ви можете читати всі новини з України чи світу на NewssQ!
Детальний опис
If you want to read about business news, stay updated with the sports world or you just want to look at the weather forecast, your local news or world news this is the right app!
Read all the news from its source - no filtration, no aggregation
With NewssQ you have access to more than 6000 news sources (daily/weekly newspapers, news sites, tabloids) from more than 150 countries for free.
Read the same news in the local and foreign press with ease with an integrated translate option.
Main functionalities included in the app:
➢ Read mode - read only news content without unrelated information
➢ Translate news - read foreign press easily with news translation option
➢ News browser - browse the web for news by keyword
➢ Offline mode - download the news and read it later, even if you don't have an internet connection
➢ Dark mode - available for Android Q
➢ Share news - with your family and friends
➢ Favorites - include newspapers in your list from any country
➢ Bookmarks - save stories you don't have time to read, for later
➢ Home newspaper - start reading your favorite newspaper right away
➢ Homepage - long press on back button
➢ Full screen mode
➢ Themes - different color themes
➢ Localized in 20+ languages
➢ and more ...
Included newspapers / news sites for Ukraine are:
•e-news • •Forum •Hawla Ukraina • •Kyiv Post •Lviv Today •Odessa Daily • • •The Kharkiv Times •The Siver Times •Utro.UA •Xарьковская правда •ZIK • •АиФ •Антенна •Вечерний Харьков •Вечірні Черкаси •Видео Новости •Високий замок •Вся Власть •Главное •Голос Украины •Данкор онлайн •ДЕЛО •Деловая столица •День •Експрес •Житомирская правда •Интерфакс-Украина •Киевская Правда •Киевские ведомости •Комсомольская правда •Львовская правда •ЛьвівNEWS •Львівська газета •Львівська газета Поступ •Львівська Поштa •ЛІГА Новости •Молодий буковинець •Новини України •Первая Крымская •Полтавская правда •Послезавтра •Про спорт •РБК-Україна •Резонанс •Самостійна думка •Севастопольская газета •СЕГОДНЯ •СЛОВО •Событие •Спорт-Экспресс •СПОРТ.UA •Сільські вісті •Телеканал 24 •Трибуна •Україна Молода •Українська правда •УНІАН •Урядовий кур’єр •Факти •Факты •Феодосия •Футбол •ЧАС •Чемпіон •Чемпіон •ЮРЛИГА and more...
We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful, so feel free to contact us for any suggestions and problems.
Thank you for choosing us!
Read all the news from its source - no filtration, no aggregation
With NewssQ you have access to more than 6000 news sources (daily/weekly newspapers, news sites, tabloids) from more than 150 countries for free.
Read the same news in the local and foreign press with ease with an integrated translate option.
Main functionalities included in the app:
➢ Read mode - read only news content without unrelated information
➢ Translate news - read foreign press easily with news translation option
➢ News browser - browse the web for news by keyword
➢ Offline mode - download the news and read it later, even if you don't have an internet connection
➢ Dark mode - available for Android Q
➢ Share news - with your family and friends
➢ Favorites - include newspapers in your list from any country
➢ Bookmarks - save stories you don't have time to read, for later
➢ Home newspaper - start reading your favorite newspaper right away
➢ Homepage - long press on back button
➢ Full screen mode
➢ Themes - different color themes
➢ Localized in 20+ languages
➢ and more ...
Included newspapers / news sites for Ukraine are:
•e-news • •Forum •Hawla Ukraina • •Kyiv Post •Lviv Today •Odessa Daily • • •The Kharkiv Times •The Siver Times •Utro.UA •Xарьковская правда •ZIK • •АиФ •Антенна •Вечерний Харьков •Вечірні Черкаси •Видео Новости •Високий замок •Вся Власть •Главное •Голос Украины •Данкор онлайн •ДЕЛО •Деловая столица •День •Експрес •Житомирская правда •Интерфакс-Украина •Киевская Правда •Киевские ведомости •Комсомольская правда •Львовская правда •ЛьвівNEWS •Львівська газета •Львівська газета Поступ •Львівська Поштa •ЛІГА Новости •Молодий буковинець •Новини України •Первая Крымская •Полтавская правда •Послезавтра •Про спорт •РБК-Україна •Резонанс •Самостійна думка •Севастопольская газета •СЕГОДНЯ •СЛОВО •Событие •Спорт-Экспресс •СПОРТ.UA •Сільські вісті •Телеканал 24 •Трибуна •Україна Молода •Українська правда •УНІАН •Урядовий кур’єр •Факти •Факты •Феодосия •Футбол •ЧАС •Чемпіон •Чемпіон •ЮРЛИГА and more...
We are constantly working hard on making the app better and more useful, so feel free to contact us for any suggestions and problems.
Thank you for choosing us!
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