U Dating-International Dating

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最後更新: 2024年九月6日



應用程式名稱: U Dating-International Dating

應用程式 ID: com.duihao.rerurneeapp

評級: 3.9 / 1.36 千+

作者: IU International Dating

應用程式大小: 49.73 MB


U Dating is a world-oriented Chinese dating software. With over 350,000 verified members, The U dating app, with online voice translation function, can translate more than 130 languages around the world, allowing you to chat online.
With U Dating, you can:
• Share your moments and your uniqueness.
• Like or comment others' moments and start a natural conversation.
• Do Send text, photo, voice and emojis.
• Find best matches among large number of users, together with their match scores.
• Real-time Translations: Talk to anyone with instant translations.
U Dating是一款為海外華人單身群體量身打造的國際交友軟件、這裡匯聚了長期居住在海外的優質華人單身男女、TA們擁有高學歷、紮實的經濟基礎、豐富的生活經歷以及真誠對待相親交友的態度。 U Dating採用全球領先的約會匹配算法,為您匹配精準的異性。在線聊天翻譯功能解決用戶溝通語言問題。平台採用先收取認證費方式過濾掉大部分無效用戶,提高用戶意向度與相親成功率。
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U Dating-International Dating U Dating-International Dating U Dating-International Dating U Dating-International Dating U Dating-International Dating
