Kamus Sunda Lengkap

Kamus Sunda Lengkap APK 2.0 - 免費下載

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最後更新: 2021年二月7日


Sundanese is a regional language from West Java

應用程式名稱: Kamus Sunda Lengkap

應用程式 ID: com.agw.sunda

評級: 3.8 / 10+

作者: aguswandi

應用程式大小: 5.87 MB


The Sundanese Dictionary is the most complete Sundanese dictionary. Translation of Sundanese into Indonesian or Indonesian to Sundanese. You can learn Sundanese words and vocabulary online. We also provide for example the ones that are often used in Sundanese along with their meanings and usage in Sundanese customs. Sundanese dictionary can be your reference in learning Sundanese. Let us preserve Sundanese culture by continuing to learn and know the Sundanese language.
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