とようけTV APK


Aug 12, 2024

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"Toyoke TV" that promotes living naturally

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Detailed Description

Man is a trinity of body, mind and soul. You can live happily and easily by making your body, mind and soul natural. To make the body natural, the food must be natural. To make our hearts natural is to be humble and have a lot of gratitude and respect. Happiness embraces a thankful heart that is grateful and a compliment that is wonderful. If you endure your emotions, you will have a mental illness (inner child). Endured emotions do not disappear, they sink into the subconscious and are the origins of our suffering. For example, when you're sad because you're broken, you may end up with your mother when you're young and endure your sad feelings. I remember feelings of endurance when I was young, sympathize with the pain and feel sad at the moment of my attention, as long as I do not express the feelings of sadness at that time. The same goes for anger and fear. To make your soul natural, you need to be highly motivated. And it must be ah, it must be, or it is in this direction of the right and wrong, in the direction of denying and denying oneself, I want to be like this It is to shift to spiritual values ​​of only good. Your soul will become more natural by forgiveing ​​you who can't, who can't, and who can't, and who can't. As your body, mind, and soul approach nature, you will be able to live more and more happily.
To be specific, your intestines must be healthy to live healthy and happy. In order for your intestines to be healthy, you must eat natural foods. Natural foods are crops made from soil free of livestock dung and glyphosate, which contains livestock feed on pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and feeds derived from genetically modified crops. That is. It is a crop made from natural seeds. Eating such crops will make your intestinal bacteria better. Intestinal bacteria make up 90% of serotonin, which stabilizes the mind, and 50% of dopamine, which provides motivation and pleasure. Intestinal bacteria also produce melatonin, which is essential for biological rhythms, and GABA, which has a relaxing effect of relieving stress and calming the brain. Intestinal bacteria make up about 70% of a person's immunity, such as preventing the invasion of pathogens. When considering mental and physical health, it is best to make the intestine healthy. You must eat natural and full of vitality.To make a natural and full of vitality, it is important to use natural and full of vital soil.To create a natural and full of vitality, Soil fungi must be fed a natural and nutritious diet. For this purpose, Japan Toyotomi Natural Farm is committed to composting in the soil, and uses compost made by fermenting fallen leaf compost and rice bran of the natural farming method with more than 500 types of soil bacteria called Toyotake Archaea.
In the mind, the inner child stands up in situations (stress) that are not as expected, and various emotions occur. And the bad bacteria of the intestinal bacteria corresponding to the emotion are active. If you endure your emotions, the bad bacteria will become more active and your intestinal environment will worsen and your immunity will decline. In the soul, if you do not like this, if you do not have this, if you do not have a lot of worldly values, various events and situations will become evil = obstacles, and your heart will be easily disturbed. In other words, you are more likely to have stress, which can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and reduce immunity.
Toyoke TV wants to keep up the videos to make the soul natural, the mind natural, the body natural, and promote natural life. Thank you very much.

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