Feb 21, 2023
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Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale - Togo (CNSS)
The mobile application of the National Social Security Fund of Togo.
Detailed Description
The CNSS Togo innovates, through the mobility of its services and services for the sole purpose of serving users of quality services and services, wherever they are; this, in all speed.
The social partners (employers and workers) can now proceed online with the various formalities of registration, application for benefits and services, consultation of their accounts, various claims and even simulation of the future pension.
Latitude is also given to employers, via the mobile application, to fulfill their obligations to the CNSS through the possibilities of sending nominative remunerations, other documents and, very soon, online payment of contributions social.
Innovation, the mobile application CNSS, free download on PlayStore for smartphone users and tablets.
Strongly that everyone, on his own, appropriates this new tool and builds in relay for the popularization of social security information.
For more information, visit our website
The social partners (employers and workers) can now proceed online with the various formalities of registration, application for benefits and services, consultation of their accounts, various claims and even simulation of the future pension.
Latitude is also given to employers, via the mobile application, to fulfill their obligations to the CNSS through the possibilities of sending nominative remunerations, other documents and, very soon, online payment of contributions social.
Innovation, the mobile application CNSS, free download on PlayStore for smartphone users and tablets.
Strongly that everyone, on his own, appropriates this new tool and builds in relay for the popularization of social security information.
For more information, visit our website
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