隨身佛經 APK 7.31


May 3, 2024

4.7 / 407+


The Buddhist scriptures provide you with a series of Buddhist scriptures commonly used by Buddhists all over the world.

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Detailed Description

The Portable Buddhist Scripture is an enhanced version of the "Portable Buddhist Scripture". It provides you with a collection of Buddhist scriptures commonly used by Buddhists around the world.

- Great Compassion Mantra (Simplified version)
- The Buddha Speaks of the Amitabha Sutra
- The Buddha said the Infinite Life Sutra
- The Buddha's Sutra on Hemorrhoids Treatment
- The Great Buddha holds the Surangama Sutra on his head
- The Forty-Two Chapters of the Buddha's Speech
- The Buddha's Contemplation of Infinite Life Sutra
- Manjushri's Vow Sutra
- Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra
- Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
- Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva chants the Buddha's Perfect Chapter
- Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra
- Medicine Master Glazed Light Seven Buddhas’ Original Vows and Merit Sutra
- Dafangguangfo Huayan Sutra·Samantabhadra's Vows
- The Lotus Sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

Since the rituals of each sect are different, the scriptures in the portable Buddhist scriptures are not included in the rituals, but you can add/modify the beginning and dedication of each scripture.

If you find typos in the scriptures or have suggestions for improving the portable Buddhist scriptures, you are welcome to notify us by email. In order to ensure that the scriptures have correct spellings, the portable Buddhist scriptures will automatically connect to the Internet to download Buddhist scriptures.

I wish to dedicate this merit to all sentient beings in the Dharma Realm, listen to the Dharma and be saved, be freed from suffering and achieve happiness, and be reborn in the Pure Land.

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