Такси РузРай

Такси РузРай

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  • BIT Master

Taxi RuzRay - order a taxi in Ruza, Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Nesterovo, Kolyubakino

About this app

Order a taxi in settlements Ruza, Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Nesterov, Kolyubakin, as well as in the Ruza district of the city has become even easier! Make an order through the mobile application "Taxi RuzRay" just a couple of clicks! A few seconds and the taxi is on the way to you!

FREE calls to a service
Do not waste your time to communicate with the dispatcher, order a taxi through your Smartphone anywhere: in a meeting, or a noisy party at the cinema!

handy map
You do not need to know where you are. Appendix "Taxi RuzRay" itself will determine your location. It is only necessary to specify the destination.
Select a point on the map - the route is ready! Route be built automatically, and you can see its preliminary cost.

Due to the automatic construction of the shortest route to your destination, you can comfortably reach in a short time from a specified address in Ruza, Tuchkovo village, villages and Dorokhovo Kolyubakin, Nesterovo village, as well as in the Ruza district of the city.

Ability to choose
Want to add a wish to the order, or choose a car? - The app will give you that opportunity!
Use the AutoFit or select a car, leave comments to the order - we will respect your wishes, so you were the most satisfied with the trip in a taxi RuzRay!

All information about orders you in the telephone
The app will tell you the time of filing, location, color, make and license plate number online. And at the end of the trip you will be able to see its full value and distance traveled, as well as to evaluate the driver.

Take advantage now modern service - all you need to do is download the mobile application « Taxi RuzRay », and you will be able to call a taxi by using your smartphone in the settlements Ruza, Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Nesterovo , Kolyubakin, as well as in the Ruza district of the city .

Download the app, follow us on social networks, stay up to date with the latest news and promotions!

Versions Такси РузРай