Alkitab PEDIA APK 1.1.3
May 27, 2024
4.8 / 3.74 Thousand+
Study the Bible with AlkiPEDIA (Electronic Library and Information Bible).
Detailed Description
Electronic Library and Information Bible (PEDIA) takes the user to the doors of each book information (x66) and article (x1089) in the Bible. Congratulations Studies / Bible Study deeper !!
With AlkiPEDIA, the user is able to analyze every book of the Bible to 1) get the facts, 2) the background, 3) outline, 4) objectives, 5) key themes, 6) survey, and 7) characteristic of each book. To dig deeper, each article can also be analyzed by 1) a brief description, 2) outline, 3) a summary of the contents of chapters, 4) the title of the passage, 5/6) character names and places, 7) conclusion and 8) facts interesting facts.
This application can be a reference for those who seriously study / explore the Old Testament and the New Testament. AlkiPEDIA is one part of the system of Bible study ( biblical study system ) based on Android, which was launched by the Foundation NET (, Tim and Tim NET Bible Android.
AlkiPEDIA provided 100% FREE and without advertising for all Android users. You can install / share to your peers. This application (and the data) is the result of cooperation between the Foundation NET / Tim Bible Android and partners. All the materials / applications are protected by copyright and applicable law. © 2015 Bible PEDIA
P - Library
E - Electronics
D - Dan
I - Information
A - The Bible
* Contains facts, background, outline, objectives, key themes, a survey of each book of the Bible.
* Displays a brief description, the content of article, outline, passage title, names of characters and places, conclusions, and interesting facts from each chapter of the Bible.
* Integrated with applications NET Bible (Bible Yuku) to read the Bible and dig deeper.
* Study the Bible offline wherever and whenever it offline (no Internet connection).
* Very easy to use.
With AlkiPEDIA, the user is able to analyze every book of the Bible to 1) get the facts, 2) the background, 3) outline, 4) objectives, 5) key themes, 6) survey, and 7) characteristic of each book. To dig deeper, each article can also be analyzed by 1) a brief description, 2) outline, 3) a summary of the contents of chapters, 4) the title of the passage, 5/6) character names and places, 7) conclusion and 8) facts interesting facts.
This application can be a reference for those who seriously study / explore the Old Testament and the New Testament. AlkiPEDIA is one part of the system of Bible study ( biblical study system ) based on Android, which was launched by the Foundation NET (, Tim and Tim NET Bible Android.
AlkiPEDIA provided 100% FREE and without advertising for all Android users. You can install / share to your peers. This application (and the data) is the result of cooperation between the Foundation NET / Tim Bible Android and partners. All the materials / applications are protected by copyright and applicable law. © 2015 Bible PEDIA
P - Library
E - Electronics
D - Dan
I - Information
A - The Bible
* Contains facts, background, outline, objectives, key themes, a survey of each book of the Bible.
* Displays a brief description, the content of article, outline, passage title, names of characters and places, conclusions, and interesting facts from each chapter of the Bible.
* Integrated with applications NET Bible (Bible Yuku) to read the Bible and dig deeper.
* Study the Bible offline wherever and whenever it offline (no Internet connection).
* Very easy to use.
App Screenshots
