Ncampus APK 1.26


Sep 9, 2024

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Online Solution for efficient and simplified management of School

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Detailed Description

School Management System is a school student life cycle management system to provide an integrated environment to manage the whole school activities. The School Management system integrates the entire school, including the administration, departments, teachers, students, and parents. It automates the activities like admissions, registrations, fee collection, attendance, marks sheets, progress reports, circulars, alerts, transportation, hostels, and variety of other responsibilities.
Easy to use for Students, Parents, Faculty and Administrators. Single platform integrating all processes reducing redundancy of data in multiple applications. Manage Student information efficiently. Online monitoring with Analytics. The process is highly secure and effectively manage various resources.

• 100% Cloud Based with online monitoring and analytics.
• Anytime anywhere and single platform integrate all processes.
• Easy to use for Students, Parents, Teachers, and Administrators.
• High Level privacy and Security with multi-level access control.

Management - Campus Management, Creation of Schools brand image, Easy management of institute records, Effective communication between school, teachers, parents, and students, Automation of all operations, Resource optimization, Students, Enhanced interaction with teachers, Access to timetable, exam schedule, Online access to Teaching materials, Easy access to Assignment and Work Sheets, Analysis performance, Track the progress and Attendance, View School Circulars and Messages
Teachers, Student attendance, Exam Automation, updating of Marks and Grades, Efficient and effective interaction with Parents, Instant Messaging system with email and SMS, Manage class easily and analytical reports.

Parents - Effective communication with Institute, Online Fee Payment, Frequent interaction with teachers, Access to Circulars and Events, Child’s Attendance and Progress Reports, Regular and prompt update from school, teachers by Email and SMS.

Benefits - Centralized, secured and reliable with zero maintenance, Accuracy, Real time alerts, Cloud based and anytime anywhere, Application secured, Reduce resources by providing high transparency and accountability, role-based access with faster and easiest implementation, Encrypted and Secured mechanism for data handling ensuring Security, Customized Android and IOB Mobile Apps for Parents and Teachers,

Software Applications
Web Application for Administration, Operations and Finance Management
Mobile and Web Application for Teachers (Android and iPhone)
Web Application Administrator Control Panel
Web Dashboard for School Principal/Director.
Mobile and Web Application for Parents (Android and iPhone)

Modules - School Management
Administration - Class Management, Student Management, Student Fee Management- (School, Hostel, Bus), Subject Management, Transportation Management, Hostel Management, Student Admission, Attendance Management, Timetable Management, Mobile apps

Operations - News, Circulars, Events Management, Alert Management (SMS and Email), Admission Scheduling, Student Registration and Promotion, Fees Scheduling, Class Scheduling, Exam Scheduling

Finance - Fee Collection, Discounts and Late fee, Fee Reports, Finance Reports

System Administrator - User Management, User Access Control, System Audit Log, Reports

Faculty - Student Attendance, Assignments and Homework, Examination, Mark Sheets and Progress Reports, Circulars, Timetable, Reports

Optional Modules
Hostel Management, Transportation Management, E-Learning, HR & Payroll Management, Canteen Management, Asset Management, Accounting

Student Admission -This module simplifies admission process of the school.

Parents Mobile App and Web Application
Profile, Leave, Calendar, Feedback, Fees Summary, Fees Online Payment, Fees Certificates, Attendance, Timetable, Teacher Details, Assignment, Exam Schedule, Report Card, News, Circulars, Alerts.

App Screenshots